Step 4 – Soldering the Big Components.
The last components to be placed are the push-buttons (2), toggle switch (1), 3PDT Foot-switch (1) and
jack connectors (2) and the pin stripes:
- When soldering the potentiometers and switches it would be good to check their positioning against
the plastic cover. The cover will fit better if the cover its aligned.
- Be careful soldering the big components perpendicularly because they tend to be slightly tilted.
- The 40 pin stripe has to be cut in 4 segments
of 6 pins, 8 pins, 8 pins and 10 pins each.
You can use a cutter to carve a groove and then
just bend it carefully to break it. Wire-cutters
also work fine.
-The USB
connector is too
close to the output
jack, to avoid short
circuits isolate the
USB jack with some
duck tape.