Backup Play (DVR Player) : Transfer to DVR Player
1. Showing image playback. (Single image playback only)
2. Select backup image to play. (Displays currently playing video Cam# , date and time)
EX. : ch02_05131730_0502021735.rec (Backup file for # Ch2. Jan. 31 07H30M ~ 17H35M )
3. Indicates currently playing video total length. (Hours, Minutes, Seconds)
4. Indicates present Time & Date of currently playing video.
5. Search Controller. (Play, Pause, Fast Forward/Reverse, Frame Advance/Reverse)
1. Go to Beginning 5. Forward Play
2. Fast Reverse 6. Fast Forward
3. Reverse Play 7. Go to End
4. Stop/Pause 8. Frame Advance Forward/Backward