Detergent savings
Detergent saving system:
When the dishwasher is running at full
c a p a c i t y, t h e w a t e r i n t h e t a n k s i s
continuously replaced by a flow of water,
coming from the final rinse zone and, at
the same time, the equivalent amount of
water is drained off via the drain-pipe in
t h e p r e - w a s h t a n k . E l e c t r o l u x F T
dishwasher has been designed to control
this flow system in order to keep the right
rate of detergent in the washing water
longer than the traditional machines.
• In traditional flight type dishwasher all
the water from the final rinse runs over to
the pre-wash via the wash tank. As the
washing water is replaced at the rate of
300-400 litres per hour, new detergent
must be added to maintain the required
• The equivalent flow in the new Electrolux
flight type dishwashers is only 100 litres
per hour. This means saving approx. 0,5 kg
detergent per hour! The savings, making a
calculation, based on working 7 hours/day
for 300 days, considering that the right
concentration of detergent is 2 grams per
litre, are more than 1 ton of detergent per
y e a r ( 1 4 7 9 k g / y e a r w i t h a t r a d i t i o n a l
m a c h i n e v s 4 2 0 k g / y e a r w i t h t h e
Electrolux FT dishwasher)
brochure Flight type 09/03 ING 24-01-2005 10:55 Pagina 15