upon at this stage taking into account structural framework within the caravan wall, the contour of the wall, and the location of
windows, beadings, etc. In fig. 10, the flue top (G) is fitted on
the end of the aluminium flue pipe of the refrigerator, above
the top of the cabinet. To give sufficient clearance for the
flue components when so used, an additional vertical
clearance of at least 12mm (1/2") is required at the back as
shown. If necessary, the recess height must be adjusted
accordingly. In the alternative position (fig. 11), the
aluminium flue pipe is removed from the refrigerator and
discarded. The flue top (G) is then fitted directly over the top
of the boiler central tube, thus lowering the assembly by
several inches.
An opening must be made through the caravan wall in order
to fit the extension tube (F) and flue outlet (C) to direct the
flue gases from the flue top to the outside. Care must be
taken in determining the position for the opening and the
formula given in fig.12, together with the dimensions in
fig.13, will assist in marking the correct centres on the inner
and outer skins of the caravan wall.
The opening must be large enough to allow the insertion of a
layer of non-combustible material around the extension tube
as shown in figs. 10 and 11, but the opening in the outer skin
must not exceed 70mm (2 3/4") in diameter, otherwise the
flange on the flue outlet (C) may not cover it properly.
(NOTE: On caravans for export to Sweden, to comply with
their regulations, the opening through the inner skin of the
caravan wall must be at least 80mm (3 1/8 ") in diameter and
the exposed wall cavity faced with aluminium strip; the space
between the aluminium strip and the flue extension must
then be filled with glass wool or other non-combustible
When the opening has been made in the caravan wall, the extension
tube (F) must be cut to the appropriate length. To determine this length,
push the flue outlet (C) firmly onto one end of the extension tube so that
it stays on the end. With the refrigerator in position and the flue top (G)
in place on the refrigerator, insert the free end of the extension tube
through the wall of the caravan, and over the outlet of the flue-top, as far
as it will go. Measure the length 'X' (fig.14) of the tube protruding from
the outside. Transfer this measurement to the other end of the tube as
shown at 'Y' (fig.14) and cut at right angles through the tube at this
Before finally positioning the extension tube, ensure that
the portion passing through the wall of the vehicle is surrounded by non-
combustible material as shown in figs. 10 and 11, and that the inner
cover washer (D) is in place. (Note. If the cavity in the caravan wall is too
narrow to accept the flanges of the inner cover washer and the flue outlet
together (less than 32mm), the inner cover washer should be fitted with its
flange facing away from the wall).
Hang the heat-resistant rubber flap (H) from the hook on the outer end of the
flue outlet (C), checking that it hangs clear of the flue outlet opening but is
free to move readily during adverse conditions of draught.
IMPORTANT. This flap must be fitted to all installations, except on
vehicles to be exported to Sweden.
Fit the outer cover (B) by means of the 4 screws (A), making sure that the
angle of the extension tube is as steep as possible, and that the front plate
of the flue outlet (C)
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