10. Joint of pork (Roast pork)
1000 - 1500g spare rib off the bone
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
2 onions, diced
2 carrots
1 cloves of garlic (if desired)
2 tbsp lard
500 ml stock
Sprinkle the meat with salt and pepper. Cut the onions, carrots, and cloves
Place the meat together with the vegetables in the universal tray or fryer,
and cook.
Half way through cooking time, turn the meat over, pour the stock over it,
and add the caraway to the sauce.
Finish cooking the meat, and pour the sauce over it again.
After cooking, switch off and leave the roast to stand for around 10 minutes
in the oven.
Suitable ovenware:
Universal tray or fryer