Xcb Bass System
Xcb Bass System
Xcb Bass System
loy-steel chain. Part number 510-2999.
Electro-Voice, 600 Cecil St., Buchanan, MI
49107 USA, 616/695-6831 or 800/234-6831
Xrhp Pickup Hinge: Two Xrhp pickup
rigging hinges are used to create custom
rigging assemblies to attach to the rear of
the top enclosure in a column when an
ATM grid is not used. Each hinge con-
sists of one precision-machined steel rig-
ging-track fitting with an alloy-steel chain.
Part number 510-3000. Electro-Voice, 600
Cecil St., Buchanan, MI 49107 USA,
616/695-6831 or 800/234-6831
Xrhl Linking Hinge: Two Xrhl linking
rigging hinges are used to link two enclo-
sures together at the rear. Each hinge con-
sists of two precision-machined steel rig-
ging-track fittings connected by a heavy-
duty steel hinge. Part number 510-2998.
Electro-Voice, 600 Cecil St., Buchanan, MI
49107 USA, 616/695-6831 or 800/234-6831
Xrsl Long Rigging Steel Straps: Two Xrsl
long rigging straps are used at the front of
two enclosures to adjust their relative verti-
cal angles. The Xrsl may also be used to at-
tach the front of the top enclosure to the ATM
grid when upward angles are not required.
Each all-steel strap consists of two New
Haven NH32102-2 double-stud fittings con-
nected by black plastic-coated wire rope.
Sound Manufacturing Inc., 3336 Primera
Ave., Hollywood, CA 90068 USA, 213/850-
5042 or ATM Fly-ware™, 2100 S.
Wilmington Ave., Carson, CA 90810 USA,
Xrss Short Rigging Steel Straps: Two
Xrss short rigging straps are used to at-
tach the front of the top enclosure to the
ATM grid. The Xrss may also be used at
the front of two enclosures when a limited
range of vertical angles are required. The
all-steel Xrss utilizes the same construc-
tion as the Xrsl. Sound Manufacturing Inc.,
3336 Primera Ave., Hollywood, CA 90068
USA, 213/850-5042 or ATM Fly-ware™,
2100 S. Wilmington Ave., Carson, CA 90810
USA, 310/834-5914
General Rigging Supplies: A wide vari-
ety of standard and specialty rigging hard-
ware components for both touring and per-
manent-installation applications is avail-
able. Sound Manufacturing Inc., 3336
Primera Ave., Hollywood, CA 90068 USA,
213/850-5042 or ATM Fly-ware™, 2100 S.
Wilmington Ave., Carson, CA 90810 USA,
Electronic Accessories:
Klark Teknik DN8000 Digital Control-
ler: The DN8000 digital electronic loud-
speaker controller has a two-in/five-out ar-
chitecture, with each output having pro-
grammable high-pass and low-pass filters,
four-band equalization, signal delay, com-
pressor-limiter-and noise-gate functions.
Program parameters for optimal perfor-
mance of the X-Array™ systems are avail-
able. Klark Teknik, Klark Industrial Park,
Walter Nash Road, Kidderminster,
Worcestershire DY11 7HJ England, 44-156-
Electro-Voice Dx38 Digital Controller:
The Dx38 digital electronic loudspeaker
controller has a two-in/four-out architecture,
with each output having programmable high-
pass and low-pass filters, four-band equal-
ization, signal delay, compressor and lim-
iter functions. Program parameters for op-
timal performance of the X-Array™ sys-
tems are available. EVI Audio, 600 Cecil
St., Buchanan, MI 49107 USA, 616/695-6831
Electro-Voice P3000 Power Amplifiers:
The stereo P3000 power amplifiers are rated
at 800 watts into 8 ohms, or 93-volts rms
short term. The amplifiers are 3-U high and
weigh 28 kg (62 lb) each. EVI Audio, 600
Cecil St., Buchanan, MI 49107 USA,
X-Array™ Amplifier Racks: These 16-U
racks will hold four Electro-Voice P3000
power amplifiers, one Klark Teknik DN8000
digital controller, 1-U light module, and a 2-
U multipin patch panel. The aluminum-
frame/wood-panel racks are vibration-isola-
tion mounted on heavy-duty wheel boards
and come prewired for AC power, audio and
control signal sends and Neutrik
speaker connectors. db Sound, L.P., 1219
Rand Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016 USA,
X-Array™ Speaker Cables: Eight conduc-
tor cable with four #11 AWG conductors and
four #13 AWG connectors. The larger con-
ductors are used in the LF bands for in-
creased damping factor. Lengths made to
order. Standard terminations are Neutrik
Speakon™ NL8FC connectors wired to
X-Array™ standards; however, custom
terminations are available. Entertainment
Technology Cable, 1247 Rand Road,
Des Plaines, IL 60016 USA, 800/529-6312
Miscellaneous Accessories:
X-Array™ Loudspeaker Covers: Heavy-
duty covers are available for the X-Array™
speakers. These covers wrap around the
enclosures, while sitting on a dolly, and
Velcro together at the back for fast instal-
lation and removal. db Sound, L.P., 1219
Rand Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016 USA,
X-Array™ Dolly Boards: Double-wide
dolly built to hold four X-Array™ loud-
speakers, two wide by two high. The double-
thick 18-mm birch-plywood construction
includes cutouts and keys for loudspeaker
enclosure shape and alignment feet. The
dolly boards are painted black and utilize
four extra-heavy-duty 4-inch x 2-inch cast-
ers. Custom-designed dolly boards are also
available to meet specific requirements.
R&R Cases and Cabinets, 1217 Rand Road,
Des Plaines, IL 60016 USA, 847/299-8100
Racks and Road Cases: A variety of gen-
eral purpose, custom racks and hard-shell
road cases are available for touring or per-
manent-installation applications. R&R Cases
and Cabinets, 1217 Rand Road, Des Plaines,
IL 60016 USA, 847/299-8100
Uniform Limited Warranty
Electro-Voice products are guaranteed
against malfunction due to defects in mate-
rials or workmanship for a specified period,
as noted in the individual product-line
statement(s) below, or in the individual prod-
uct data sheet or owner’s manual, beginning
with the date of original purchase. If such
malfunction occurs during the specified pe-
riod, the product will be repaired or replaced
(at our option) without charge. The product
will be returned to the customer prepaid.
Exclusions and Limitations: The Limited
Warranty does not apply to: (a) exterior fin-
ish or appearance; (b) certain specific items
described in the individual product-line
statement(s) below, or in the individual prod-
uct data sheet or owner’s manual; (c) mal-
function resulting from use or operation of
the product other than as specified in the
product data sheet or owner’s manual; (d)
malfunction resulting from misuse or abuse
of the product; or (e) malfunction occur-
ring at any time after repairs have been