6. SPEED Slider
– Controls the rate of the Sweep effect. The rate of the Sweep effect
will be faster at the top most position of the SPEED Slider and slower at the bottom most
position. The Sweep effect will not be recorded with your loop.
7. DEPTH Slider
– Controls the amount of the Sweep effect. The amount of Sweep will
increase as the DEPTH slider is raised to the top most position. The Sweep effect is off in
the bottom most position of the DEPTH slider.
8. FEEDBACK Slider –
In Short Delay Mode, the FEEDBACK Slider sets the level of
the signal that is fed from the Output of the Delay Line to the Input of the Delay Line.
When the FEEDBACK Slider is set to the bottom most position, you will hear only one
echo. When the FEEDBACK Slider is set to the top position the echoes will repeat
infinitely. The FEEDBACK Slider works in a similar fashion in Loop Mode. When in
Overdub Mode (both the Recording and Playing LEDs are lit), each time the 16 Second
cycles through a loop, the loop will pass through the FEEDBACK Slider setting. So if the
FEEDBACK Slider is in the top position, the loop will go on indefinitely. If the
FEEDBACK Slider is set at 50%, each time the loop cycles through, the volume will
decrease by 50%. If you want to continually Overdub over a loop the FEEDBACK Slider
has to be set in the top most position. If you want to punch-in a new section of audio, the
FEEDBACK Slider will have to be set to the bottom most position. If the FEEDBACK
Slider is set somewhere in the middle of its range while in Loop Mode, the 16 Second can
act like a very long delay.
9. CLIX LEVEL Slider
– Controls the output volume of the Clix metronome. The
volume of the Clix increases as the CLIX Slider is pushed up. When the CLIX Slider is
set at its bottom most position there will be no Clix output. In Short Delay Mode, the Clix
are always active but in Loop Mode, the Clix works a little differently. When recording a
new loop the Clix will be active and the CLIX Slider acts like a volume knob for the
metronome level. After initializing a new loop and the 16 Second is in Overdubbing
Mode, the CLIX slider becomes an On/Off switch for the metronome: if the CLIX slider
is located in the top 25% of its range, the Clix will be heard, if the CLIX slider is below
the top 25%, the Clix will be shut off. This enables you to hear the Clix only when you
need it. The Clix will not be active when the 16 Second is Playing a loop.
– The CLIX LEDs are located directly above the CLIX Slider (9). The
LED on the left blinks on each beat. The LED on the right lights only on the first beat of
each bar.
11. EFFECT OUT Slider
– Controls the overall output volume of the effects. This
includes the loop and delays, the Sweep and the Clix metronome. The volume of the
effect will increase as the EFFECT OUT Slider is raised upward.
12. DRY OUT Slider
– Controls the output volume of the input signal. Use the DRY
OUT Slider to mix in the right amount of your original signal. The volume of the input
signal will increase as the DRY OUT Slider is raised upward. This control is after the
INPUT GAIN Slider (13).
13. INPUT GAIN Slider
– Controls the level of the input signal before it enters the
Analog to Digital Converter. The Input Gain increases as the slider is raised upward. At
the bottom position of the INPUT GAIN Slider you will have approximately 6 dB of
attenuation. At the top position of the INPUT GAIN Slider you will have approximately
36 dB of gain. Use the SIGNAL/CLIP LEDs to help you determine where to set the
– These LEDs are located directly above the INPUT GAIN
Slider (13). The Green LED on the left is the SIGNAL LED. It lights when signal is
present at the A/D Converter. The Amber LED on the right is the CLIP LED. It lights
when the signal clips the A/D Converter. Ideally you want the largest possible signal
entering the A/D Converter without clipping. One way to achieve the ideal signal level is
to raise the INPUT GAIN Slider until the CLIP LED starts to blink and then lower the
INPUT GAIN Slider slowly until the CLIP LED stops lighting.
15. RECORD Footswitch
– In Loop Mode, the RECORD Footswitch is used to start and
stop Recording a new loop or to Overdub over a loop already in memory. In Short Delay
mode, the RECORD Footswitch toggles between Delay On and DSP Bypass.
16. PLAY Footswitch
– In Loop Mode, the primary function of the PLAY Footswitch is
to put the 16 Second into Playing mode. While Recording a new loop, hitting the PLAY
Footswitch will place the 16 Second directly into Overdub or Playing Mode depending
on the setting of the LOOP Slide Switch (1). In Short Delay Mode, hitting the PLAY
Footswitch will take you out of echo mode and Play whatever was recorded in the past 4
minutes since entering Short Delay Mode, as long as at least one bar has been recorded.
Playing mode (only the PLAYING LED is lit) plays back the loop that was recorded.
You can then further tweak the loop to change the tempo and/or pitch, Reverse the loop
or add Sweep.
Please note:
Hitting the PLAY Footswitch while in Overdub Mode will start
the Recording of a new loop and you will lose the loop you had been working on.