Hereby, X10 Europe, 3 Rue de Pent-
hievre – 75008 Paris – France / Electia
AB declares that the MS18 is in compli-
ance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive
Härmed intygar X10 Europe, 3 Rue de
Penthievre – 75008 Paris – France /
Electia AB – att MS18 står i överens-
stämmelse med de väsentliga egenskaps-
krav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser
som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG
CE 0536 Product category: general con-
sumer (category3).
At the end of its life, those products
should NOT be disposed of in household
rubbish. Seek the advice of your local
authority on correct, Environmentally
friendly disposal.