Euro-500T Handy
© Elcom Ltd.
Service manual
Test evaluation without a terminative connector:
Incorrect test evaluation
** TEST **
503 Error
Correct test evaluation
** TEST **
503 OK
Test evaluation with a terminative connector:
If the test evaluation of the serial interface for the external keyboard has been found incorrect, see chapter 6.6 - Communication
** TEST **
503 Error
Incorrect test evaluation
Correct test evaluation
** TEST **
503 OK
Test evaluation without a terminative connector:
** TEST **
502 Error
** TEST **
502 OK
Test evaluation with a terminative connector:
If the test evaluation of the serial interface for the scanner and scales has been found incorrect, see chapter 6.6 - Communication
5.4.3 The test of serial interface for the external PC keyboard
The test serves as a means to check the correctness of serial data transmission and reception through MODULAR JACK 6X6
MALE connector (chapter 4.14) used for the interconnection of the cash register with the PC keyboard.
The method for starting the test of serial interface for the external PC keyboard:
1. Switch the cash register to the programming mode P.
2. Insert a terminative connector to the cash register connector which is used to connect the external PC keyboard.
3. Press the number 503 on the numeric keyboard.
4. Press
[Multiply] button.
The process of testing:
1. One byte is transmitted from the micro controller through the serial output to the connector output for the PC
2. The value of the transmitted byte is received through the terminative connector by a micro-controller input.
3. The evaluation of the whole process of testing will be recorded in the short report appearing on the display. This
report will be printed on the printer too.
** TEST **
502 Error
Incorrect test evaluation
** TEST **
502 OK
Correct test evaluation
Incorrect test evaluation
Correct test evaluation
s p y