Info Display
Reset error messages
Display Information
Use the info key to query and display
various information.
Possible Info Values
Depending on unit type, configuration,
and operating state, individual info
lines are hidden.
Fault message
Maintenance message
Special operating mode
Room temperature
Min. room temperature
Max. room temperature
Outside temperature
Min. outside temperature
Max. outside temperature
DHW temperature 1/2
Heat pump status
Solar status
Potable water status
Status heating circuit 1/2
Status heating circuit P
Solar energy yield
Time / date
Customer service phone
Outside temp
Outside temp
Outside temp min
Outside temp max
Reset error messages
In very rare cases errors may occur
which will require you to manually reset
These are shown in the error message
display by the "Delete" option.
Alternatively, you can also delete pen-
ding error messages in the special ope-
ration menu item.
229: Press switch heat source