The receiver XPR-2G is delivered working on the assigned frequency band, which can be 30 – 50 Mhz wide.
The value of the available frequency range can be found on the label on the rear panel.
XPR-2G and XPT-2G does not need to be tuned within the assigned frequency band and supplies the power
programmed for every frequency, checking also output values.
XPR-2G receivers include in their input a narrow band-passfilter , so as to work also when other transmitters
(working in the other frequency band) are near.
Within the assigned band, such filter needs to be tuned on the frequency through a network- or spectrum-
analyzer (the latter must also include a tracking-generator). Please be careful when turning the screw of the
variable capacitors: due to their small dimensions they might be seriously damaged by improper operations.
The filter is indicated by arrow no. 4 at page 13.
Here below are two curves of the receiver’s filter, based on the first and last available bands (1600 and 2400
Insertion loss is below 1.5 dB and Input return loss is better than -15 dB.