Cash Advance Application
page 5
Commissions or fees on the
sale of travelers cheques or
foreign currency
It is recommended that all manual
cash disbursements be processed
through an account-number-verifying
terminal by dipping the chip or
swiping the magnetic stripe. Manu-
ally keying a cash disbursement
transaction is not recommended
as a best practice. Each branch
location should assess the risk
involved with the disbursement to
determine whether manual entry
would be acceptable.
If you are suspicious of a Card
Transaction, contact your Voice
Authorization Center and request a
“Code 10” authorization. Using the
term “Code 10” allows you to call
the Voice Authorization Center to
question the transaction without
alerting the cardholder.
To request a “Code 10” Authorization
for a Visa or MasterCard Transaction,
call the telephone # on your Voice
Authorization sticker (located on the