Elatec GmbH
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The compiled script is now part of the configuration within TWNConfig. Some additional information is
displayed on how much storage space is occupied by this script. Up to now, the script has not been
saved to the TWN3 device.
5.7 Miscellaneous Settings
Within the tab folder “Misc”, there is only one setting, which influences the behavior on how a carriage
return is transferred to the PC.
The reason for this is that in keyboard emulation, it makes no sense to send a line feed to the host
computer (in fact, there is no key on a keyboard, which does “line feed”). On the other hand, sending a
line feed after a carriage return might appear quite normal in a terminal session via serial interface.
The default value is off.
A line feed will only be appended if:
This options is selected
The device is in intelligent mode (“running a script”)
The device is connected via V24 interface or via USB and emulating a virtual serial
This setting has no influence on any keyboard emulation.
This setting has no influence in transparent communication.