ELAN 2010
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Page 18
Chapter 3:
M86A Connections
System Controller Connections
The M86A must be integrated with an ELAN HC6 or HC12 System Controller to function.
There are only four connections that need to be made between the M86A and the System
Controller. Additional System Controller connections (other than from the M86A) are
described in the respective manuals for the System Controllers.
Connections to the HC6 and the HC12 from the M86A are identical. The images used here
are the HC6. See Figure 3-2 on page 19 for the connections.
VIANet Connection
The VIANet connection allows the System Controller to send commands to the M86A and
to receive system status from the M86A. Trigger information (from M86A Sense Inputs or
from the C2 Communication Controller, for example) is also transmitted over the VIANet
connection from the M86A. Connect the VIANet OUT of the System Controller to the
VIANet IN of the M86A.
This connection uses Cat5 terminated with the ELAN standard color code as shown below.
Figure 3-1: ELAN Standard Color Code