©ELAN (Changzhou) Hardware Co. Ltd.
Version 2.1, September 2012
Do not use sharp objects to scrape coffee residue off of the blades or the internal Teflon coating of the outlet
Examine both of the blades’ condition and replace them if necessary.
The replacement and assembly of a new set of blades is a delicate task.
Only skilled technical personnel should be allowed to perform blade removal and assembly.
If a more thorough clean is required, then the operation must be performed by skilled technician.
After all cleaning and replacing tasks are through make sure to assemble all of the parts and safety screws the
same way as they were disconnected. If anything does not fit back together or there are some leftover parts, do
not attempt to operate the appliance, call for the assistance of your technician.
To ensure long lasting grinder and great fresh taste of coffee, the cleaning procedure
as described above should be repeated periodically and at least once per month or as necessary
according the grinder’s usage and quality of beans.