/ 7 /
In order to secure the fans
to the Predator chassis you
should use four (4) M4x6
DIN 7984 screws with the
enclosed Allen key for each
fan unit. If you want to se-
cure the cables to the Pred-
ator unit you should use a
cable tie along with longer –
M4x10 DIN7984 screws in-
stead. (See the detailed pic-
ture below). There is no need
to use a cable tie on every
screw mounting position.
For better understanding
you can look at the cable
management at already in-
stalled fans.
M4x6 DIN
7984 Screws
2,5mm Allen key
Cable tie
M4x10 DIN
7984 Screw
Cable tie
M4x10 DIN
7984 Screw