background image

Front Panel





Use these faders to set the level for each partial. 

Use these faders to set the ratio (pitch) for each partial. 

Keep in mind that if you modulate partial 1 ratio via CV 

the pitch of all other partials will be effected since they 

are ratios in relation to the first partial.


16 operators in 5 groups

Levels and ratios?

A brief introduction

The partials in SineSynth can modulate each other by 

activating the FREQUENCY MODUALTION switches.  

The routing shown on the panel explains how they 


Partials 1, 5, 8, 11 and 14 are carriers whilst the others 

are modulators. The first group contains 4 Operators 

while the other 4 groups contains 3 each.  

The carriers will be modulated be the next partial, which 

in turn is modulated by the next after that. The amount 

of modulation is set with the Level fader of each Partial.

SineSynth is an additive synthesizer with Frequncy 

Modulation capabilities that is based around sinewaves.

Any sound can be generated by combining sinewaves 

of different amplitude and frequency - you can say that 

sinewaves are the building blocks of any sound! 

For example a sawtooth wave is constructed of a series 

of frequencies illustrated roughly here:

The peaks in the spectrum analyzer represents the 

frequencies present in the sawtooth waveform. Each 

peak is on it’s own a pure sinewave. So by combining 

several sinewaves of different frequency and amplitude 

it is possible to recreate other waveforms, even a 

square wave! Well, technically it would require an near 

infinite number of sinewaves to get perfectly sharp 

edges, but one can come pretty close with as little as 

16 sinewaves. And, when adding a waveshaper to the 

signal it can get sharp edges quickly!  


SineSynth has 16 sine oscillators and these are refered 

to in this manual as a “Partials” because each one will 

be a part of the waveshape that they form together.

By modulating the level and pitch of the partials you 

can create a near infinite number of different sounds!

MOD sources – EGs and LFOs  

Envelope Generators & Low Frequency Oscillators

EGs and LFOs are used to modulate the levels and 

ratios of the partials. 

EG1 & LFO1 are by default linked to levels while EG2 

and LFO2 are linked to ratios. These can be unlinked 

by using the MOD switch.

When EG1 and LFO1 MOD is set to “ALL all partial 

levels are modulated by both EG1 and LFO1. When set 

to IND. the partial levels are modulated by the source 

set below each partials level fader. Notice that the 

source selector is not operational when EG1 and LFO1 

MOD is set to ALL.

When EG2 and LFO2 MOD is set to ALL all partial 

ratios are modulated by both EG2 and LFO2. When set 

to IND. the partial ratios are modulated by the source 

set below each partials ratio fader. Notice that the 

source selector is not operational when EG2 and LFO2 

MOD is set to ALL.

When MOD is set to IND. the first partial (1) level 

and ratio is fixed at the fader position and connot be 

modulated by EGs or LFOs. This is handy since the first 

partial will be a stable reference point for balancing and 

tuning the other partials to.  

The active modulation sources are indicated by the four 

LEDs below partial 1 level and ratio.


The LFOs can be set to RETRIG with each note and 

SYNC to the song tempo with the two corresponding 


LFO1 has a sharp random wave shape whilst LFO2 

has a softer drifting random wave shape.


EG2 and LFO2 has a deeper modulation effect, about 

10x as strong as EG1 and LFO1. 


Analog & Digital




Add white NOISE to the oscillator signal. When set to 

digital the signal also goes through a bit reduction filter 

for lo-fi fidelity. The noise level is controlled by EG1

Use the TYPE switch set what type of shaping to apply.  

I” is Soft Ring Modulation, “II” is Hard Ring Modulation 

and “III” is waveshaping by applying a Tahn shape drive 

to the signal.

Set the over all volume with the LEVEL knob. The 

output level is shaped by Envelope Generator 1.  

There is a hard clipping limiter on the output, to avoid 

extreme audio peaks.


Echo & Reverb

The ECHO TIME can be set to SYNC to the song 

tempo using the switch. FEEDBACK will controll how 

many repetitions are made and MIX will set the balance 

of echo and dry signal.

Reverb DECAY controlls the length of the 

reverberation. For imitating large spaces use longer 

decay time. The TONE controll will dull or brighten the 

decay signal. The MIX will set the balance of reverb 

and dry signal.

Sawtooth wave in an oscilloscope

Sawtooth wave in spectrum analyzer





