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Frequently asked questions
How do I care for the chassis of my pushchair?
Chromium is one of the metals that does not oxidize, such as also gold. Normally, no rust can
form here, but metallic dirt on the chrome "rusts" - especially in the winter season (road salt
on the streets, etc.), this is not uncommon. Added to this comes the "particular matter issue"
- most of the "particular matter" today are of metallic structure. This means that they start to
rust on any surface when wet. Depending on the region in Germany, this is more or less
pronounced - in the cities anyway, but also in rural areas with rather loamy soils.
If there is any rust on the stroller: use a sponge to apply a chrome and stainless steel agent
(for example, the one used to clean your stainless steel sink). Let it soak for a few minutes
and then wipe it off. You will find: Everything is very easy - and the chrome itself is not
Incidentally, this dust settles also on the stroller with plastic paint - but its invisible, as this is
often only a few molecules thick layer. Only on highly reflective surfaces, such as the chrome
tubing, this shows clearly.
Unfortunately, it sticks particularly on badly accessible places.
I have a flat tire - what now?
Have you noticed a flat tire, then you can mend them just like on bike. We deliberately chose
the smallest size for our wheels, so even your nearby bike shop can help you with matching
replacement tube: 12.5" x 2.25" is the right size.
I bought my stroller second-hand, where can I get spare parts?
Almost all spare parts can be easily ordered via our online shop. In case of doubt or if you
can not find something: Contact us by mail or by phone - we are happy to help!
If your stroller was manufactured before 2005, please send us a photo of your pram to clarify
the compatibility of the current spare parts.
What rider system is compatible with my Eichhorn stroller?
The "Lascal BuggyBoard Maxi" has proven itself on our stroller - it is compatible with both our
automatic and our classic leather belt frame and is available as an accessory in our online
If you have purchased this elsewhere please contact us by email and we can mail you the
according leaflet to adjust it to your EICHHORN stroller.