further increased. Due to more air with desired density of air inducted into the engine there will be complete
combustion resulting in:
Increase in power and torque without increasing the size of the engine.
Improves fuel economy.
Reduce engine noise.
More complete combustion resulting in cleaner emission
In turbo charged engines, intercooler will not be present. The Compressed air from turbo charger will be
directly inducted into the combustion chamber. The combustion parameters will be designed to suit the air
temperature inducted in to the combustion chamber and accordingly desired quantity of fuel will be
supplied to ensure better fuel economy and complete combustion to achieve emission characteristics.
Air filter is fitted on the Suction Side. It is paper cartridge dry type air filter comprising of inner and outer
element. Air filter prevents dust and other foreign particles entering into the air inlet system. The restriction
Indicator fitted on the filter gives indication when air filter gets clogged.
Do not run the engine with clogged air filter. Clogged air filter reduces
power output, fuel efficiency; higher exhaust emissions and affects
engine performance.
Air filter outer element shall be cleaned whenever the restriction
indicator gives indication. There are limitations for cleaning as
frequent cleaning affects air filter filtration efficiency. Follow the
recommendation for cleaning procedures and permissible number of
The inner element should not be cleaned and it should be replaced.
Never run the engine without air filter. Running without air filter will cause foreign object entering into air
system and results in turbocharger and engine failures.
The exhaust gases discharged from the combustion chamber are driven out through the exhaust manifold
into the turbo charger and accelerated in the turbine housing to turn the turbine wheel driving away the
Exhaust gases through the muffler to the atmosphere.
Simultaneously, the compressor wheel mounted on the same shaft spins at the designed speeds. The
centrifugal action draws air from air cleaner and builds up the boost pressure in the intake system.