Care and Maintenance
Always keep the drill rig clean, especially the column with the toothing and the
4 sliding pieces in the machine holder.
In order to allow the free movement of the pinion shaft, it should be slightly
In order to achieve a good performance of the drill rig, the 4 sliding pieces in
the machine holder have to move along the column without slackness.
After every tenth drilling you should check if the sliding pieces have got
loose-fitting due to drilling vibration.
If the position should have changed, it can be readjusted as follows:
Loosen the counter nut on the Allen screw
(A) by means of an jaw wrench SW 13
Adjust the Allen screws and the position of
the thrust piece to the column by means of
a hex head wrench SW 6.
Tighten the counter nut again and check
whether the carriage moves easily on the
The movement of the slide can also be set
on the slide brake (B).
Should the sliding pieces have a bit worn,
you can adjust the pressure on the two
screws (C) as described above.
According to the general supply conditions for business dealings, suppliers have to
provide to companies a warranty period of 12 months for redhibitory defects. (to be
documented by invoice or delivery note)
Damage due to natural wear, overstressing or improper handling are excluded
from this warranty.
Damages due to material defects or production faults shall be eliminated free of
charge by either repair or replacement.
Complaints will be accepted only if the tool is returned in non-dismantled condition
to the manufacturer or an authorized Eibenstock service centre.