Vertrieb durch
eibe Prod Vertrieb GmbH & Co. KG
| Industriestraße 1 | 97285 Röttingen |
After preparing the pit the trampoline can be put on the
compact combined frost protection and base layer. The
remaining gap between the Kids Tramp and the surrounding
area needs to be filled.
The upper 5 – 10 cm should be filled with humus so that
there are no gaps between the trampoline and its surround-
ing ground.
If the ground does not drain naturally (water - impermeable),
suitable drainage must be installed. In this case the
pit should be 10 cm deeper to allow a drainage pipe
connected to a suitable outflow (e.g. the local sewerage
The combined frost protection and base layer increases
from 30 to 40 cm.
Intersection scheme
existing ground
combined frost
protection and base layer
combined frost protection
and base layer
existing ground
existing ground