is pushed upward, the volume of the +2 OCTAVE signal will increase. If you play a middle C note, this
slider will control the volume of the C note two octaves
middle C.
ATTACK Slider -
Controls the attack envelope of all the octave voices. As the ATTACK slider is pushed
upward, the attack time increases producing a swell or reverse effect. Push the ATTACK slider down to its
minimum position to turn the attack effect off. The Attack effect will also work on the DRY signal whenever
the DRY FX LED is lit, no matter the color of the DRY FX LED.
Controls the cutoff frequency of the Low Pass Filter. As the LP FILTER slider is pushed
upward, the cutoff frequency of the filter rises. The LP Filter control can be used to shape the tone of your
POG 2. All of the generated octave signals go through the LP Filter. The dry signal bypasses the LP Filter
when the DRY FX LED is off or lit red, the dry signal goes through the LP Filter when the DRY FX LED is lit
green or amber.
Controls the amount of detune applied to the +1 and +2 OCTAVE signals. As the
DETUNE slider is pushed up both the depth and rate of detune are increased. When DETUNE is pushed
down to its minimum position the detune function shuts off. The DETUNE slider will also effect the DRY
signal when the DRY FX LED is lit amber.
DRY FX Push-Button and LED
The DRY FX Button cycles through four modes allowing the DRY signal
to either bypass or pass through the Attack, LP Filter and Detune effects. The modes are as follows:
LED State
DRY bypasses all effects
DRY goes through Attack control, bypasses LP Filter and Detune
DRY goes through Attack and LP Filter, bypasses Detune
DRY goes through all three effects: Attack, LP Filter and Detune
Q Push-Button and LED
The Q button and LED cycles through four levels of resonance or Q for the
Low Pass Filter. As the Q LED gets brighter the Q increases. LED off signifies the least amount of Q. The
brightest Q LED setting signifies the highest Q setting.
The white PRESET knob is used to select, load and save the 8 available presets. You can
load the selected preset by pressing and releasing the PRESET knob. To save a setting, first set the POG 2
to the sound you want to save, then turn the PRESET knob to the preset number you want to save your
sound into. Now press and hold the PRESET knob for 3 seconds. Release the knob after all of the Preset
LEDs stop blinking.
The BYPASS FSW is used to toggle the POG 2 between effect mode and true
bypass mode. When the associated LED is lit, the POG 2 is in effect mode. When the LED is off the POG 2
is in true bypass mode.
The PRESET FSW can be used to cycle through and load the 8 available presets.
When a preset is loaded, the PRESET LED located near the PRESET FSW will light up solid. If a preset is
loaded and then a slider is moved or push-button is pressed, the PRESET LED will blink rapidly to indicate
that a parameter has been changed since the preset was loaded.
This ¼” jack is the audio input to the
POG 2. The input impedance presented at the INPUT
jack is 2 M
This ¼” jack is the audio output from the POG. The output impedance is approximately
9V Power Jack -
Plug the output of the supplied AC Adapter into the 9V power jack located at the top of
the POG 2. The POG 2 requires 180 mA at 9 VDC with a center negative plug. The POG 2 accepts Boss
style AC Adapters.
The POG 2 can save and load up to 8 presets. The position of all sliders and the setting of the two push-
buttons are saved with each preset. The state of the BYPASS FSW is not saved with the presets. The POG
2 will remember all presets after power down has been removed.
To save the current slider positions and push-button settings, press and hold down the white
PRESET knob.
Hold down the PRESET knob for 3 seconds. Nothing will occur for 2 seconds, then all the preset
LEDs will blink for 1 second.
After the LEDs stop blinking, release the PRESET knob. The PRESET LED, located to the right
of the PRESET Footswitch, will light up solid.
Your preset has been saved in the preset number that is currently lit.
To Load a preset you previously saved: turn the PRESET knob to the preset number where the
preset was saved.
Press and release the PRESET knob. The PRESET LED, near the PRESET Footswitch, will light
up to indicate that the Preset has loaded. Please Note: The current slider positions are no
longer valid.
To Load a preset you previously saved using the PRESET Footswitch: press and release the
PRESET Footswitch. The PRESET LED will light up to indicate that the Preset has loaded for the
currently selected preset number. Please Note: The current slider positions are no longer valid.
If you press and release the PRESET Footswitch while a preset is already loaded, the POG 2 will
jump down to the next preset and load the preset. For example, if you currently have Preset 3
loaded, pressing the PRESET Footswitch will select and load Preset 4.
After loading a preset, if you move a slider or press a push-button, the
new location or setting will
supersede the preset’s stored value for that
control. At this point, the PRESET LED, near the PRESET
Footswitch, will blink rapidly to indicate that a control has been moved or changed. If you then return the
control back to its original position, as saved in the preset, the PRESET LED will stop blinking.
If the PRESET LED is blinking rapidly, when you press the PRESET Footswitch, it will re-load the current
selected preset.
A preset can be unloaded to restore the current knob positions so they represent what you hear. There are
two ways to unload a preset: press and release the PRESET knob or turn the PRESET knob to select a
different preset number