The Bluetooth speskerphone allow to match two cell phone at the same time, please refer
the follow steps to pairing.
(1) After the first cellphone pairing successfully, please turn off the speakerphone then
turn on it.
(2) Please pairing for the second cellphone as the above steps, after the second
cellphone pairing successfully.voice reporf'Phone 2 connected".
During the paring process , if you can not get successful paring within 2 minutes, the
speakerphone will power off.Please repeat the above steps to pair again.
Automatically re-connection between Speakerphone and Mobile Phone.
The speakerphone will automatically connect to the mobile phone matched last
When the speakerphone is power off, or the connected mobile phone is more
than 10 meters away from the speakerphone, they will be out of connection
automatically and voice reporf'Phone 1&2 disconnected"
Once the speakerphone is power on again within 10 meters away from the
paired mobile phone, their connection will be rdbuilt automatically. There
will be a report to indicate this successful re-connection from the
Otherwise,the speakerphone will power off automatically after 10 minutes'
disconnection. (Automatic or manual connection will apply to the mobile phone's
You may want to connect your speskerphone with another Bluetooth phone.
Select"disconnecting". to remove connection from your phone list,as a result, the
speakerphone will disconnect with its pre-paired phone and voice report
"Phone 1 disconnected",
Notice: When losing the connecting, the blue LED indicator will blink shortly and quickly,
then the speakerphone will power off automatically after 10 minutes.
Using the Speakerphone
a.Ensure your speakerphone and mobile phone is placed within 10meters-Bluetooth
sensing distance.
b.After successful Bluetooth connection,any incoming or outgoing call will automatically
connected to this speskerphone first, you can operate your mobile phone and transfer
back to mobile phone.
Once pairing is completed and battery is fully charged, the follow functions would be
available for you:
(1) Making a call:
You can initiate calls from your mobile phone, or directly from this speakerphone using
voice dialing commands.(If this feature is supported by your mobile phone).