In order to successfully connect to a network, Querx requires an IP address and
network mask. In most cases, the local network will support DHCP, which enables
Querx to configure the network automatically.
Wired Ethernet Connection
After booting the device, the status LED will light up yellow for about 5 seconds.
The device will remain in this state for a significantly longer time if the automatic
configuration via DHCP fails or it is connected directly to your PC. If this is the
case, the IP address will be set to and the network mask will be configured after approximately one minute.
Once this process has been completed, the status LED will flash green
approximately every 10 seconds. Brief yellow flashes indicate that the wired
connection is not working. In this case, please make sure that the wire is securely
plugged into the socket or replace the wire or socket.
Accessing the Web Interface
After successfully configuring the network connection, further settings can be
adjusted via the Querx web interface. Open a web browser on your PC and enter
the IP address that was previously configured for Querx into the address-bar, if it
is known to you.
Alternatively, you can enter the system name, if your PC supports Multicast DNS
(mDNS or LLMNR). Enter the following address into your web browser:
The default system name is querx000000, with the six zeros being placeholders
for the last six digits of the MAC address of the device. You can find the MAC
address on the sticker located on the back of the casing.
For the example in the image above, the web address is
This name can be changed at a later time. More information on this is available in
Chapter 9: