The Essence of Music is Emotion
The mission
of a great loudspeaker is to recreate the musical event so
vividly and so accurately that the listener at home experiences the same emotion
evoked by a live musical event.
Audiophiles and audio manufacturers talk endlessly about such benchmarks
as imaging and soundstage, separation and definition. EgglestonWorks
loudspeakers of course excel in those areas, but they are really secondary issues,
derived from the ability to precisely capture the basic elements of music: timbre
intensity and pitch. To build a loudspeaker that does full justice to those basic
elements requires not only a lifetime immersion in the experience of live music,
but also a thorough knowledge of the process that produces the records and CDs
we listen to at home. The design approach at EgglestonWorks exemplifies that
knowledge and experience.
At EgglestonWorks, the skill and craftsmanship gained in years of speaker
building combine with a deep understanding of what went into the recording. The
goal, always, is to produce that emotional response that makes music meaningful.
Responding to music is instinctive. When listening to a loudspeaker that is
honestly recreating a musical event, you don’t have to analyze why it sounds right
– you know it instinctively.
As a new owner of an EgglestonWorks loudspeaker system, you join a
discerning group of serious music lovers who have set the highest standards for
musical reproduction. We, at EgglestonWorks, are committed to creating a
musical experience that exceeds that standard both visually and sonically.