GPRS Mode (Web Portal)
Functionality GPRS Mode:
In the GPRS mode the GSM-2 modem is connected via a
GPRS link with a Web server.
The Web portal allows Web-based remote access and
monitoring off all connected EFOY-PRO fuel cells (with
standard Internet browser).
It is possible to regularly receive status reports from
the connected fuel cells and to download this history
Further on it is possible to change the configuration of
the connected fuel cells and remote control them.
It is also possible to send alarm messages in case of
alarm events as in the SMS mode.
Additionally it is possible to send the alarm messages
as email.
Configuration of GPRS mode:
The configuration is easily done via the Web portal with
a standard Internet Web browser.
The use of the GPRS mode requires a registration
at our service partner udomi.
Service charge:
Registration fee: 25€
Service fee per year: 25€
We recommend to use a SIM card with a so called
M2M (machine to machine) tariff. With default
settings the data traffic is approx. 1Mbyte/month.
Demo login Web Portal:
User: sfcdemo
Pass: SFC
Contact udomi:
udomi - competence in fuel cell systems
Hochfeldstrasse 8
74632 Neuenstein