About the Mini1cv
About this document
This document is freely distributable. I retain all publishing rights.
This is not a beginners project. It requires electronic construction skills. I am not responsible and have no
control over the outcome of your efforts. I have tried to put this together in a way that could be
duplicated. But you are on your own. I do not guarantee nor am I responsible for anything in any way.
The Mini1cv brings me full circle and is based on the first synth I ever built. I never posted the Mini1
because it is full of chips made by Curtis Electronics and as far as I knew were no longer available.
Time has passed and things have changed.
has all needed chips in stock. The VCO
and VCF/VCA chips are $15 each and the ADSRS are $16 each. That's $62 bucks worth of CEM ics add
in $60 for pots panel ect... and we are talking in the $120 range but it's still not out of line for a mono
The Mini1cv is a "normalized synthesizer" meaning prepatched you could add jacks for access to the
internals but I intend to operate it with a midi to cv converter.
About the Mini1cv
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