www.totalgym.com | www.efisportsmedicine.com | 800 541 4900 |
7755 arjons drive, san diego, Ca 92126
©2009 efi Corp. / J31670
p. 1
ToTal Gym GTS/PowerTower Demo InSTrucTIonS
Start the demonstration with the pulley attached to the glideboard and the GTS on tower level 3-5 depending on
the user’s upper body strength and ability (
5 is difficult
). The pulley pins should be in position 2 or 3 (
inside middle
or top
). Explain anchoring, and that you can move through many exercises just by changing the body position on
the glideboard. Cue anchoring throughout the demo.
lyInG SuPIne
Have participant grasp the handles and instruct them to sit at the bottom of the glideboard, facing the squat stand,
and lie back into the arm pullover position. Ensure that the user’s head is supported by the glideboard and the
feet are resting on the bottom of the glideboard. Begin a lat pull down to warm up the shoulders. Then move to the
arm pullover; instruct the participant to extend the arms overhead and in an arc motion bring the handles towards
the thigh. Talk about bodyweight as the load is relative to the angle of the glideboard. Explain about back support
and the unrestricted range of motion. Explain and coach unilateral and bilateral movements. Add the crunch
movement to the arm pullover to demonstrate how the core is integrated. Have the participant try a few triceps
press downs with both unilateral and static equilibrium variations.
lat pull down
arm pullover
Lying Supine continues >