knob selects 1 of 8 different accented
rhythmic patterns to emphasise specific tremolo
pulse beats. The following time signatures are
available: 1/1, 1/2 (march time), 3/4 (waltz time), 4/4
(rock/pop), 5/4 and 6/8 time along with other
patterns. As the ‘rhythm’ knob is rotated clockwise
the time signature increases producing ever more
complex patterns until the
begins to
sound more like a sequencer than a tremolo!
Note: ‘Shape’, ‘Depth’, ‘Speed’ and ‘Rhythm’ knobs
affect the ‘Left’ channel. To alter these parameters
for the ‘Right’ channel press and hold down the
‘Tap/Sync’ footswitch whilst adjusting the knobs.
switch selects between 3
banks of 16 waveforms (48 total). The ‘Filament’
bank contains subtle hyper-triangle, sine and
smoothed square wave shapes; the ‘Fluid’ bank
contains rising saw, triangle and falling saw wave
shapes; and the ‘Neon’ bank contains deep pulse
wave shapes.
switch allows the
to work
as a tremolo/panner/splitter for mono sources (such
as guitar) or as a true stereo tremolo for use with
stereo keyboards. When the switch is ‘up’ the input
is mono (TS) and when ‘down’ it’s stereo (TRS).
footswitch allows selection between
‘effectified’ (tube buffered tremolo) and ‘non-
effectified’ (true bypassed ‘dry’) signal.
footswitch sets the tremolo speed when
is in ‘tap tempo’ mode. Two
successive presses (taps) of the footswitch set the
speed and one press resets the tremolo to the
beginning of its cycle allowing resynchronisation with
the beat when playing in a live situation. In ‘tap
tempo’ mode the ‘Speed’ knob functions as a tap
divide/multiply control: 1/4 (16th note), 1/3 (eighth
note triplet), 1/2 (eighth note), 1/1 (quarter note), 3/2
(dotted quarter note), 2/1 (half note), 3/1 (dotted half
note), 4/1 (whole note).
Pressing and holding down the ‘Tap/Sync’ footswitch
and then pressing the ‘Bypass’ footswitch activates
‘tap tempo’ mode. Repeating this process puts the
pedal back into normal mode.
trim-pot sets the bias point of the
filament lamp to alter the depth and character of the
tremolo. To access the ‘Dwell’ trim-pot, first
disconnect the power to the pedal, carefully unscrew
the six screws underneath the pedal and then
remove the base-plate. A small watchmaker’s
screwdriver or specialised trimming tool will be
required to adjust the trim-pot.
Tone Tip!
can be utilised as an
audiophile tube boost/buffer/splitter when the ‘Depth’
knob set to minimum and with the ‘Dwell’ trim-pot
maxed out.