CPU Internal Cache (Enabled)
This option allows you to enable/disable CPU internal cache.
External Cache (Enabled)
This option allows you to enable/disable CPU external cache.
Boot Sequence (A,C,SCSI)
This field determines where the system looks first for an operating system. Options are
A, C, SCSI ; C, A, SCSI ;
C, CDROM, A ; CDROM, C, A ; D, A, SCSI ; E, A, SCSI ; F, A, SCSI ; SCSI, A, C ; SCSI, C, A ; C only
setup default setting is to check first the hard disk and then the floppy drive; that is A,C,SCSI.
Swap Floppy Drive (Disabled)
When enabled, the BIOS swaps floppy drive assignments so that Drive A becomes Drive B, and Drive B
becomes Drive A under DOS.
Boot Up Floppy Seek (Enabled)
When enabled, the BIOS will seek the floppy A drive one time.
Boot Up NumLock Status (On)
This field enables users to activate the NumberLock function upon system boot.
Typematic Rate Setting (Disabled)
When enabled, you can set the two typematic controls listed next. Setup default setting is Disabled.
Typematic Rate [Chars/Sec] (6)
This field controls the speed at which the system registers repeated keystrokes. Options range from 6 to 30
characters per second. Setup default setting is 6; other settings are
6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24
Typematic Delay (Msec) (250ms)
This field sets the time interval for displaying the first and second characters. Four delay rate options are
250ms, 500ms, 750ms and 1000ms
Security Option (Setup)
This field determines when the system prompts for the password. The default setting is System, where the
system prompts for the User Password every time you boot up. The other option is Setup, where the system
always boots up, and prompts for the Supervisor Password only when the Setup utility is called up. You can
specify a password by using the Supervisor Password or User Password option from the main screen as
explained later in this section.
Video BIOS Shadow
It determines whether video BIOS will be copied to system RAM, however, it is optional from chipset design.
Video Shadow will increase the video speed.
OS/2 Select For DRAM > 64M (Non-OS2)
When using OS/2 operating systems with installed DRAM of greater than 64MB, you need to Enable this
option otherwise leave this on the setup default of Non-OS2.
6/16/98, 3:31 PM