Schmid & Wezel
Seite / Page
17 / 34
Stand / Version
07 / 2017
1 Operation, Scope of
Supply, Accessories
Note, read carefully!
This manual is intended for the unit operator.
Keep it in a safe place!
The saw may only be operated:
In a technically safe condition, for its in-
tended use and in accordance with the ap-
plicable safety and accident prevention reg-
With all the safety devices attached.
In accordance with the safety precautions.
After the operating personnel have read and
understood these instructions, especially
Chapter 2 Safety Instructions and Chapter 3
Connecting and Starting Up.
Only in this way can incorrect operation be
avoided and hazard situations correctly as-
1.1 Symbols in this manual
Hazard symbol:
Lack of attention can result in an immediate risk
of injury for operating personnel or third parties.
Furthermore, the unit may be damaged.
Hazard symbol:
The greatest care and attention
must be taken here. Lack of at-
tention can result in an immedi-
ate risk of injury for operating
personnel or third parties. Fur-
thermore, the unit may be dam-
Information symbol:
Texts marked with this symbol
contain important information
and useful tips.
1.2 Intended use
The belt saw is used for splitting cattle, cows,
oxen, horses and bulls in medium and large
Belt saws supplied by Schmid & Wezel (S&W)
comply to all the applicable safety regulations.
18. Unintended use
The device is not equipped for any other form of
use. Should the operator wish to use the device
in some other way, please consult Schmid &
Wezel GmbH & Co KG (S&W) beforehand.
Use in any other way may result in a risk of ac-
cidents and increased wear to the blade. The
user alone is liable for the consequences of any
other form of use.
The splitting saw may be hazardous when oper-
ated by untrained personnel in an improper
manner or for unintended purposes.
1.3 Residual risks
Since the splitting saw is intended for industrial
use on animal carcasses, there is a risk of injur-
ing yourself and, in the case of extreme misuse,
of fatally injuring others. Improper use of the
cutter could thus lead to instant death or to
death by bleeding. Therefore, be sure to always
use the machine in the proper manner.
The uncovered section of the sawing belt is par-
ticularly hazardous. Work with utmost concen-
tration and care. Wear personal protective
1.4 Who is authorised to use the
belt saw?
The belt saw may only be used by personnel
who have received the necessary training and
have the required skills to be assigned such
work. Authorisation regarding operation must
be clearly defined and followed.
The saw must not be used by persons suffering
from the effects of alcohol, medication or drugs.
Maintenance and repair work requires special
knowledge and may, therefore, only be carried
out by trained, expert personnel.
1.5 Reconstructions and modifi-
cations to the splitting saw
For reasons of safety, unauthorised modifica-
tions to the splitting saw are not permitted.
Spare parts and accessories have been spe-
cially developed for this saw. We make explicit
reference to the fact that we do not approve
spare parts and special equipment not supplied
by us.
The assembly and/or use of such products may
have a negative effect on the active and pas-
sive safety of the product.
Schmid & Wezel GmbH & Co KG are not liable
for any claims under the terms of warranty in
the case of damage resulting from the use of
non-authorised spare parts and special models.