Exclusions of Coverage from this Limited Warranty
Manufacturer is not liable for any water damage or other damages arising, directly
or indirectly, from any defect in the Eemax Mini Tank Water Heater component
part(s) or from its use.
Manufacturer is not liable under this limited warranty or otherwise if:
The water heater or any of its component parts have been subject to mis
use, alteration, neglect or accident; or
The water heater has not been installed in accordance with the applicable
local plumbing and/or building code(s) and/or regulation(s); or
The water heater has not been installed or maintained in accordance with
Manufacturer’s printed instructions, or installed with improper orientation,
improper fastening, improper use of pipe dope/plumbers putty or with the
use of any non Manufacturer approved sealant; or
The water heater has not been continuously supplied with potable water or
the water’s inlet temperature is above Manufacturer’s recommended maxi
mum temperature; or
The water heater experiences any water pressure or flow interruptions,
normal inlet water pressure is outside of the published specification for the
heater; is exposed to any condition that causes the heater to turn on before
the air is purged from the heater also know as dry fire; or
The water heater has been exposed to conditions resulting from floods,
earthquakes, winds, fire, freezing, lightning, or circumstances beyond the
Manufacturer’s control; or
The water heater has been removed from its original installation location; or
The water heater has been used for other than the intended purpose.
Owner, and not Manufacturer or its agent/representative, is liable for and shall
pay for all field charges for labor or other expenses incurred in the removal and/or
repair of the water heater or any expense incurred by Owner in order to repair the
water heater.
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this limited warranty, if the Eemax
Mini Tank Water Heater fails or leaks because of defects in materials or Manufac-
turer’s workmanship during the applicable warranty period set forth above, Owner
should contact Manufacturer for a Returned Merchandise Authorization (RMA). No
returns will be accepted by Manufacturer without an RMA number and Manufacturer
assumes no responsibility for a water heater returned without an RMA number. Wa
ter heaters should be wrapped and packaged securely to avoid shipping damage. All
shipments of parts from the Manufacturer to the Owner to replace defective compo
nents shall be made via normal ground transportation. If expedited shipment is re-
quired, it will be provided at Owner’s additional cost.
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