Eelectron Spa
Enabling the EXPERT mode further options are shown.
The additional options are:
Name of the related group address from the imported ETS project; this
name can be used as keyword in the search engine to find the object.
This setting determines which encoding
must use
to communicate with the related group address via the KNX bus.
: Changes to this setting should be considered carefully, since an
encoding that does not match the settings of the related device can lead
to incorrect behavior of the FRONT END.
Defines if the object shall be visible inside the FRONT END or not.
WRITE ACCESS ACTIVE Enables the operation of the object in the FRONT END through the
defined graphical icon; this setting is normally configured automatically
during the ETS import. If an object should be used only as a status
display in the FRONT END, even if in the ETS project it was basically
configured with write permissions, it is sufficient to disable the write
access here.
NOTE: To enable write access for objects, which were initially imported
as read-only, the corresponding group address with write access must
be configured, too (detailed information can be found ahead in this
manual); improper settings can compromise the proper function of the
READ ACCESS ACTIVE Permits to read the current status of the object over the KNX bus; this
flag is always active.