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D397-53-880 Issue C
Module 53 - Active Gauge
Requires Active Accessories module to be fitted and active gauge to be fitted to it. Also requires active gauge to be
fitted on the PDT, this signal is called “AG”.
Output Bytes: None
Input Bytes:
Bytes 1-4 are 32-bit IEEE754 format floating point value.
Byte 5 is units (59=Pascals, 66=volts).
Byte 6 is condition byte (see
Module 52 - Water Flow Rate
Requires water flow sensor to be fitted (to General Accessories Port).
Output Bytes: None
Input Bytes:
Bytes 1 & 2 form a 16-bit unsigned number for water flow rate in 0.1 L/min.
Byte 3 is condition byte (see
Module 161 - Gate Valve
This module provides gate valve control and demand status if a gate valve is fitted to the pump. It can be used to
turn off the valve, however it can only turn on the valve if the Profibus module has control of the pump. (See
). Use this command with caution as if the Profibus module does not have control it may be possible to
turn off the valve but not turn it back on.
Output Byte:
Single byte is gate valve control.
Values: 1=On
Other values - ignored.
Demand value is only sent from the Profibus module to the pump on change of state.
Input Bytes:
Byte1 valve demand state
Values: 0=Off
1=Off going On
2=On going off fast
3=On going off slow
2nd input byte is condition byte (see
If demand status is not the same as actual state, a warning will be raised in Module 992.
Module 323 - Pump Warm-up
Output Bytes: None
Input Bytes:
Byte 1 is Warm-up status. Values: 0 = Not Warming up (either because already warm or off);
4 = Warming up.
Byte 2 is condition byte (see
Module 328 - Pump Good
For this module "Good" means Running and Warm and not in clean and No errors. However pump can still be good
when in AUC mode. Not Good means at least one of the 4 conditions for good is not currently met.
Output Bytes: None
Input Bytes:
Byte 1 is Pump Status. Values: 0 = Not Good; 4 = Good.
Byte 2 is condition byte (see