Safety precautions
Electrical safety
The installation and use of this product must strictly comply with local electrical safety standards.
Power polarity
This product uses DC +12V power supply, the maximum current 2A,
please pay attention to the polarity of power supply.
Careful installation
Do not grab the camera head to move the camera.
Do not rotate head of camera by hand, it may cause mechanical problems.
Do not unauthorized disassemble
This product has no parts which can be repaired by the user. The damage caused by the user's own disassembly is not
covered by warranty.
Electromagnetic fields at specific frequencies may affect the image of the machine.
Do not hot-plug the power supply during the use of the IP Camera.
The monitor shows no image
1) Check that the camera power supply is connected, the voltage is normal, and the power indicator light is always on.
2) Turn off the power switch to check whether the camera is self-testing.
3) Check the cable of video platform and TV whether correct connection.
Sometimes without the image
Check the cable of video platform and TV whether correct connection.
Image have jitter when the camera lens at max multiple.
1) Check whether the camera installed position be stabled.
2) Check whether have vibrating machinery or object near the camera.
Remote control can not control
1) Check and replace the new battery for the remote controller.
2) Check whether the camera working mode is correct.
3) Check whether the address of remote control can match the camera.
Series port can not control
1) Check whether the camera protocol, address such is the same.
2) Check whether the control line is connected well.