5 Testing
Atheros Solutions Product Engineering has run the following test suites on package
RNW F7.1.0.69_I NSTALL7.1.0.27
DTM 64-bit
DTM 32-bit
All tests are done on mix of CB51, and on Windows Vista OS RC1 5600.
6 Limitations
The known limitations with the release are:
This release does not support WiFi and WMM certification tests. Support of Windows
Vista and associated supplicant is still yet to be determined by WiFi Alliance.
This release has following regulatory domain limitation: When EEPROM has the
KK_NEW_11A capability bit set, MKK1_FCCA(0x48), MKK2_MKKA(0x43) and
MKK1_MKKA1(0x4A) are not supported for 5Ghz. If these domain is used for 2Ghz
only, there is no issue.
Atheros Confidential
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