BR-6641 User Manual
Virtual Server :
Field Value
When Busy
There are three options available: Busy hour, idle hour,
and All-times. Please refer to Chapter 2
[ Date/Time] for setting up the definition of
busy or idle hours.
To the users from the Internet, your virtual server is
visible as a public IP on the WAN port.
This WAN IP is the “visible” IP for your virtual server in
the external environment (Internet). You must specify a
public IP if your WAN type is “Routing Mode”. If the WAN
type is “Bridge Mode One Static IP”, your WAN IP in this
field should be the public IP assigned from your ISP. Or,
if your WAN type is none of the above, then choose
“dynamic IP at WAN”.
SSH (22)
H323 (1720)
Protocol Number
Grouping Name>
The services, which are predefined in [Service Name],
will be matched. For example:
FTP(21): The packets, whose predefined TCP port
number in [Service Name] is 21, are to be match.
Protocol Number: Define the Protocol Number, then the
packets with the Protocol Number are to be defined.
ICMP @: Define the Type value, then the packets,
whose ICMP take this Type value, will be defined.
TCP/UDP @: The TCP/UDP service type to be matched.
You can select the matching criteria from the publicly
known service types (e.g. FTP), or you can choose the
port number in TCP/UDP packet. To specify a range of
port numbers, type starting port number plus hyphen
“-“and ending port number. e.g. “TCP@123-234”.
Group: The packets from the group which are predefined
in [Service Grouping].
Any: All packets are to be matched
Server IP
<Server IP>
The original IP address of your virtual server. It can be a
private IP in the LAN or a public IP in DMZ.
Server Port
Port Number
Input the Port Number of Server IP.
L og
Enable: the logging will be enabled. Whenever the rule
is matched, the system will write the event to the log file.
Disable: No log will be generated.
Table 4.3 The Description of the Fields on Virtual Server Page