Operations Manual
Eberle Design Inc.
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Section 1
The ORACLE 2E (2EC) and 4E (4EC) Enhanced Loop Monitor series is a full featured two
channel and four channel inductive loop vehicle detector conforming to TS1-1989 (R2005),
170/2070 requirements, and TS2-2016. For Nema TS2, the ORACLE 2E (2EC) and 4E
(4EC) meet the requirements for a Type C and D configuration respectively. The ORACLE
2ECX and 4ECX meet the requirements for a Type CC and DD configuration respectively.
The Oracle 4H is a four channel unit with a half width front panel, providing a compact
method for increasing the number of detection channels in a given rack space.
The ORACLE features a front panel mounted multi-line graphic Liquid Crystal Display
(LCD) which assists the user in setting up the unit and can display operational parameters
and diagnostic information for all channels simultaneously (Oracle 4H only displays two
channels simultaneously). A built-in heater is provided to enhance the LCD performance for
cold temperature operation. An easy to use natural language menu structure guides the
operator through the set up process and features plain English prompts on the LCD to
describe functions and parameters. Two toggle switches per channel are used to navigate
through the menus and make data entries as required. All programmed settings are stored
in non-volatile memory. If power is disrupted or a detector reset occurs the programmed
settings will not be altered.
Loop diagnostic capabilities incorporated within the ORACLE enables the diagnosis of
shorted or open circuit loops and sudden inductance changes exceeding 25 percent of the
nominal value. For each channel, the type of fault is displayed on the LCD and signified by
the fault indicator emitting a different flash sequence. The last 25 loop faults are stored in
an event buffer and can be reviewed in the Event Log. This information can greatly assist
the user in the diagnosis of loop related problems.
The front panel LCD provides the Frequency, Inductance, and Count (2EC, 4EC only)
display views. The Loop Frequency,
L/L%, Loop Inductance, DEFLECTOMETER
Streaming Graph,
Frequency Stability Graph, Sensitivity Level, Mode of Operation, and Vehicle Counting
Accumulator can be viewed on the front panel LCD.
The ORACLE offers a unique and very useful feature called the DEFLECTOMETER
. The
display allows you to use visual and numeric aids to assist in
determining the optimum sensitivity setting by showing the change in inductance caused by
traffic moving over the loop. The DEFLECTOMETER
aids in setting the detector channels
quickly and easily to the most optimum sensitivity level to ensure trouble-free detection of
all vehicles, including motorcycles and high bed vehicles (see section 3.2.1). Sensitivity can
be adjusted in real-time with a vehicle continuously occupying the detection zone.
The CALL outputs are fail-safe and conform to TS2-2016 standards. Call outputs are
optically isolated. The ORACLE detectors will tune to any loop and lead-in inductance
between 20 and 2500 microHenries and will provide satisfactory operation with lead-ins as
long as 5000 feet. Delay, Extend and User-Defined timing functions are included.
The ORACLE 2EC and 4EC models add the
(Vehicle Counting) feature that
enables vehicles to be counted with vehicle totals displayed on the LCD panel. The
output (ORACLE 2EC only) also provides a secondary output for each
channel for every vehicle in the loop zone at the same time. The unit can be programmed
on each channel for one loop to eight loops connected together in series.
The ORACLE 2ECX, 4ECX, and 4HX provide a front panel mounted EIA-232
communications port. The Oracle X series support the EDI Oracle Serial Protocol. Consult
the factory for details and specifications.