CMU-212 Cabinet Monitor Unit
Operations Manual
Eberle Design Inc.
Page 9
the CMU-212 will not cause a LFSA. When a mismatch is detected for 1000 milliseconds
or more, the CMU-212 will cause a LFSA. When a mismatch is detected for more than 700
milliseconds but less than 1000 milliseconds, the CMU-212 may or may not cause a LFSA.
The Field Check Mode is typically caused by a miss-wired or improperly configured cabinet.
When the Field Check Mode is detected the FIELD CHECK front panel indicator will be
illuminated solid.
Field Output Check monitoring will be disabled when the MC COIL STATUS input is not
active. There is programming in the Datakey to disable Field Output Check monitoring on a
channel input basis.
The CMU-212 will compare the active states of the field signals with the states reported by
the CU in the Type 61 frame. When a mismatch is detected while a Conflict, Lack of Signal,
or Multiple fault is timing, Field Check Status will be reported with the fault to indicate the
faulty channel(s) and color(s).
If a Conflict, Lack of Signal, or Multiple fault has triggered the CMU-212 to the fault mode
and the CMU-212 indicates that there is no Field Check Status, the ATC or ATC
programming is the most likely cause. The lack of Field Check Status indicates the ATC
drove the signals to an improper state. If a Conflict, Lack of Signal, or Multiple fault has
triggered the CMU-212 to the fault mode and the CMU-212 indicates that there is Field
Check Status, then cause of the malfunction can be isolated to the SIU, load switch, field
wiring, or signal load.
When Field Check Status is detected the FIELD CHECK front panel indicator will be flash
at a 2Hz rate.
Field Output Check monitoring will be disabled when the MC COIL STATUS input is not
active. There is programming in the Datakey to disable Field Output Check monitoring on a
channel input basis.
The CMU-212 is provided with a resident series of self-check diagnostic capabilities. When
a Diagnostic fault is detected, a LFSA-R will be set and the DIAGNOSTIC indicator
illuminated. Should a Diagnostic error occur, other fault indicators that may be concurrently
displayed with the DIAGNOSTIC indicator may not be valid due to the nature of these
hardware and/or firmware failures.
This test will verify that all RAM elements are operating correctly at power-up or following a
Unit Reset.
This test will verify that the nonvolatile flash ROM and event log eeprom contain the proper
data. The routine will perform a check on each ROM device and make a comparison with a
check value. This test is performed at power-up and at a minimum rate of 1024 bytes per
second during operation
This test will verify whether the non-volatile Datakey contains valid data. The routine will
perform a check on each nonvolatile memory element at power-up and whenever read and
make a comparison with a 16 bit Frame Check Sequence (FCS) procedure defined in
clause 4.6.2 of ISO/IEC 3309. Invalid data may result from corrupted Datakey contents, an