Owner’s Manual
Thank you for purchasing the Bio SpeedCLEAN
UV Vacuum
Cleaner. To ensure you get the best results from your vacuum clean-
er, please read this manual first and keep it for future reference.
For additional information, please visit our website at
www.biotechresearch.com or call 1-800-895-0008.
©2009 BioTech Research I-4706 BR8625R-1(A-1 - A-4)
___ Bio SpeedCLEAN™ 12.1 Qt. Hepa Filter
6-pac Replacement Bags
..........................................Only $19.95 $_______
___ Bio SpeedCLEAN™ UV 12.1 Qt. Hepa Filter
3-pac Replacement Bags
..........................................Only $12.95 $_______
___ Bio SpeedCLEAN™ UV Bulb 1-pac
......................Only $16.95 $_______
___ Bio SpeedCLEAN™ Wooden Brush Roller
............Only $19.95 $_______
___ Bio SpeedCLEAN™ UV 3-pac Replacement Belt
......Only $5.95 $_______
___ Soft Extension Hose
........................................................Only $5.95 $_______
___ Attachment Wands (2 pc. set)
........................................Only $5.95 $_______
___ 2 in 1 Brush/Crevice Tool
................................................Only $5.95 $_______
Shipping & Handling: $_______
Authorized Replacement Parts Form
7800 Whipple Avenue NW
Canton, Ohio 44767
To order by phone:
call toll-free 1-800-466-7688 Operator Code EPBSI
Monday - Friday 6am - 3am, Saturday 7am - Midnight and Sunday 7am - 11pm.
To order online:
visit us at
is $_________ in: [ ]Cash [ ]Check [ ]Money Order
(Make checks payable to BioTech Research)
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[ ]Am. Exp./Optima [ ]Discover/Novus
Account No. ___________________________________ Exp. Date _______
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: _____________
Mail this form along with your choice of payment to:
Bio SpeedCLEAN
Vacuum Cleaner