Insert the tubes with the one 5AR4 rectifier tube going in top the power supply socket,
the one 6N3P tube into the front main amp socket and your two 2A3 tubes in the
main amp matching sockets. Your 2A3 tubes should have two large and two small pins;
the large pins face the rear. Be sure to align them to plug in correctly.
Please note if you are using the 2A3B Shuguang there is usually solder residue on the
pins which can be
sanded down for better insertion. However, even if the pins
are not fully inserted, they will still make sufficient contact as-is. Once tubes are
properly inserted, you may plug in the power cord.
Important! Do not turn the power supply on unless all tubes are in their proper
location, and the umbilical cord is connected. Once the amp is turned on, you may
hear a low level shimmering sound from the output tubes for about 10 seconds. This is
normal, and varies with tube manufactures. It takes about five minutes for the amplifier
to completely warm up, and sound its best. You’re ready to listen! Should you have
any problems with the process contact me at
Please refer to diagram below:
Select the source by rear panel switch. All outputs on the back (and the headphone
output) are simultaneously active unless the speaker kill switch is active. The speaker
kill switch only disconnects output to the speakers.