Absorption (remaining charge):
The battery is charged with permanent current and
gradual decreasing current from 80% to 14,4 V* and a 100% capacity . The gradual
decreasing current ensures that the terminal voltage does not become too high during
the complete charging process .
FLOAT (charge maintenance):
The battery status remains permanently at 13,8 V*
(12 V* model) / 27,6 V* (24 V* model) without overcharging or damaging the battery .
The voltage is permanently controlled in this mode . If the voltage decreases to a prede-
fined level, the battery is charged through a pulse charge until reaching again 100%, so
the charge status remains permanently between 95% and 100% . This charging-cycle is
repeated appropriately and influences the lifetime of the battery in a positive way .
* for 12 V batteries, (for 24 V batteries: double the value, for 48 V batteries: fourfold value)