Language Teacher
model EF600T
d e v e l o p i n g
i n d e v e l o p m e n t
d e v e l o p e d
w h i c h t h e y
Selecting an Answer and Displaying the Score
When you have made up your mind about the right
answer, press the corresponding letter key to save the
answer and go to the next question. At the last question
in a test or in an exercise section, or whenever you
decide to finish practicing and press ESC, the following
sum-up information is displayed:
T o t a l :
1 0 0
S h o w n :
5 7
A n s w e r e d :
2 2
T O E F L s c o r e :
9 0
The first line discloses total number of questions in a
test or a section of
Sample Exercises
. The second and
third lines indicate, respectively, how many questions
were displayed and correctly answered during the
concluded session. The fourth line shows your score,
which is calculated according to an authentic formula.
Over a thousand American common and emergency
phrases translated into French are stored in the
Language Teacher
memory. For ease of
reference, phrases are organized into conversational
dialog topics listed below: