2.2.3 Nearest Word
The nearest word to the word entered will be displayed when a word
is wrongly entered or the word is not included in the dictionary.
1 . Enter a Vietnamese word (which is
wrongly entered) and press
2 . A message "Nearest Word!" appears
on the screen.
3 . The nearest word will then appear
2.2.4 Wild Card Search
You can use "?" to replace an unknown character or "*" to replace
several unknown characters of an uncertain word. Relevant words
will be displayed after searching.
(Refer to 2.1.4 Wild Card Search in Eng-Viet Dictionary.)
2.2.5 Cross Search with User's Dictionary
If the meanings of the word entered exists in both the built-in
dictionary and the user's dictionary, you can choose either of
Note: When the word can only be found in User's Dictionary, its mean-
ings found in User's Dictionary will be shown automatically.
1 . Input a Vietnamese word which has
been inputted in User's Dictionary
and press
2 . "Built-in VE Dict" and "Built-in VE
User's Dict." are shown on the screen.
3 . Highlight "Built-in VE User's Dict."
and press
to view the
meanings in VE User's Dict..