Radio Frequency Interference (RFI).
If you have other 915/433/868 MHz devices(same
frequency with your device) and communication is
intermittent, try turning off these other devices for
troubleshooting purposes. You may need to relocate
the transmitters or receivers to avoid intermittent
Line of Sight Rating.
This device is rated at 300 feet line of sight (no
interference, barriers or walls) but typically you will
get 100 feet maximum under most real-world
installations, which include passing through barriers
or walls.
Metal Barriers.
Radio frequency will not pass through metal
barriers such as aluminum siding. If you have metal
siding, align the remote and console through a
window to get a clear line of sight.
6. Wi-Fi Configure with gateway
This PM2.5 sensor doesn’t have a display function and
you need to use our WS View Plus App to view the
data on your mobile application after pairing this
device with our Wi-Fi Gateway (sold separately).
This PM2.5 sensor works with WH0290 Air
Quality Monitor display console (sold separately) and