The graph explains pre- and posttrigger times of the
. Arrows indi-
cate positive trigger events (= bat calls). The pretrigger of 50 ms is not ad-
Critical Frequency
The third setting, is important for bat call recognition. Calls below this fre-
quency are ignored in the analysis, thus, the signal is neither filtered
gously nor digitally. It is set independently of the existing, unchangeable
analogous high pass filter. By choosing a higher
Critical Frequency,
bushcrickets can be more effectively eliminated. Be reminded that you may
also miss low frequency bats, like the noctule bat if the CF is chosen too
high. Possible are all values from 14 to 110 kHz in steps of 2 kHz.
Recording file format
You can choose to either recording in raw file format (standard batcorder
format) or in 500 kHz wave file. We do not recommend 44.1 kHz since it does
shift frequencies and makes analysis impossible.