Condensate collecting tank
The tank is fitted with a floating device that stops the dehumidifier when the tank is full.
How to empty the tank
Take out the tank as shown on Pic.2 . Use the sliding open (L) on the top of the tank to flow the water out.
Finally put the tank back into his place.
Continuous drainage
The tank is ready to fit the continuous drainage: the installation is very simple and then you will not need
to empty the tank manually anymore. To install the continuous drainage follow these instructions (Pic.3):
• remove the rubber stopper (T);
• connect a rubber hose with an internal diameter of 10 millimeters to the connector to the tank and
run it through the hole F on the bottom of the dehumidifier;
• put the tank back into his place.
WARNING: to guarantee regular drainage of the water, make sure that the drain-
pipe has a slope and is straight, without any bends or constrictions. On any case the
floating device inside the tank is active and will stop the dehumidifier when full.
The air filter
The air is placed behind the rear grid and can be easily removed for cleaning. The air filter can be cleaned
with a vacuum cleaner or with water: in this case dry it before assembly.
Do not run the dehumidifier without the air filter to avoid accumulating dust on the
heat exchanger. Keep clean the air filter in particular when al lot of dust is present
in the air: a dirty air filter reduces the air flow and the efficiency of the dehumidifier.
How to remove the air filter
Pull the front grid upward (see Pic.4): the air filter is behind the grid.
How to put the air filter on
Apply the air filter to the dehumidifier, then place the grid inserting first the upper side and then the lower
The control panel
S1 - Green light ON The green light indicates when the dehumidifier is operative, otherwise it blinks on
status 0.
S2 - Red light, full tank The light blinks, together with the green one S1, when the tank is full, missing or
incorrectly positioned.
S3 - Yellow light, defrost The light switches on during the automatic defrosting cycle.
T1 - Decrease button Pushing this button the value of the display D will decrease down to 0 value.
T2 - Increase button Pushing this button the value of the display D will increase up to C value.
D - Display The display shows the working state of the dehumidifier according with Tab.A. The value 0
means OFF, from 1 to 9 means automatic functioning and it depends from the humidistat that switches
on or off the dehumidifier if the value of the relative humidity is higher or lower of the one shown in the
Tab.A. The value C means ALWAYS ON and the dehumidifier works independently from the humidity
value: nevertheless any allarm has the priority on functioning mode.
Display Functioning
0 Off
1 90 %R.H.
2 86 %R.H.
3 78 %R.H.
4 72 %R.H.
5 65 %R.H.
Display Functioning
6 60 %R.H.
7 52 %R.H.
8 46 %R.H.
9 40 %R.H.
C Continuous
Tab.A – Functioning modes
Start up
When the plug is connected the display D blinks for 5 seconds and shows the last functioning mode se
lected: then, if the functioning mode is different from zero, the blinking stops.
To switch off the dehumidifier push the button T1 until the value displayed is 0. When zero is selected
Pic.2 – The water tank
Pic.4 – The air filter
Pic.3 – Continuous drainage