© Eco Heat Equipment
January 2016
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ES807 High Frequency Ceiling Mount Motion Sensor
User Manual
The ES807 is a ceiling mount motion sensor with High Frequency and Microphone
dual technology. The combination allows the sensor to detect motion and sound
(if enabled).
This sensor is ideal for larger areas, such as open plan offices, warehouses and
large rooms.
Once the primary detector (High Frequency) senses motion, the lights will be
switched ON – should the motion be insufficient the microphone (if enabled) will
continue to keep the lights on when detecting sound.
When the area is vacated and the sensor detects either no motion or sound the
light/s will remain on until such time as the pre set time delay has lapsed.
If, after reviewing this guide, you require additional information or assistance
please contact Eco Heat Equipment at [email protected], +27 (0)861 999 887,
or www.ecosensor.co.za.
Technical Specifications
Voltage: 220 – 240V/AC
Frequency: 50/60Hz
Working temperature: -15°C to 70°C
Load: Incandescent max: 1 000W
Fluorescent max: 600W
LED max: 300W
Detection Range: 2 – 8m radius
Detection Angle: 360°
Light level: 10 – 2 000 LUX
Time setting: 10 seconds – 30 minutes
Installation height: 2.5 – 10m
HF system: 5.8GHz CW radar, ISM band
Transmission power: <0.2mW RF power
Dimensions: 115mm diameter (L) x 35mm(H)
Any incorrect use or installation procedure not recommended by the
manufacturer may cause fire, electrical shock or injury to persons.
Box Contents
Your box should contain the following items:
Controlling a load in excess of the specified ratings will damage the unit and lights
and could pose risk of fire and electric shock.
Do not install this unit to control a power socket.
Installation Instructions
Note: Do not install the motion sensor on unstable or vibrating surfaces, or near
doors and windows where outside movement may be detected. Motion may be
detected through ceilings, drywall, wood or plastic.
1. Turn power off at circuit breaker or fuse
2. Remove top cover from base of sensor by turning anti-clockwise
3. Hold base against ceiling and mark the two drill holes, paying attention to
any existing wiring
4. Drill holes into the surface
5. Feed the power cables through the base hole
6. Attached the unit to the surface
7. Connect wires as per diagram
8. Adjust sensor settings
9. Replace cover, ensuring the LED is visible through the window, and turn
clockwise to secure
10. Restore power at circuit breaker or fuse
Sensor calibration:
Note: Allow up to 1 minute for the motion sensor to recalibrate after it has been
connected for the very first time. This is only necessary during installation or when
the mains supply is disconnected.
Note: After the light switches OFF, it takes approximately 4 seconds before it is able
to start detecting movement again. The light will only switch on in response to
movement once this period has elapsed.
Installation wire diagram
Operation and Field of View
The motion sensor detects motion within its coverage area and controls the
associated lighting connected to the sensor. For best performance, persons or
objects moving towards the heater are ideal. Detection is possible through
wooden doors, panes of glass, dry wall, ceiling tiles, or thin brick walls. Beware of
windows facing passages or roads.
Sensor detection range from side: large motion
Sensor detection range from top: large motion
Motion Sensor Settings and Adjustments
The motion sensor is a high frequency (HF) type electronic occupancy detector,
which in turn switches the lights when connected to the motion sensor. There are
three adjustments that can be made to influence the operation of the motion
RANGE: motion detection range
TIME: time delay after motion/sound until shut off
LUX/LIGHT: level of ambient light sensitivity
MICROPHONE: use of sound as backup to motion detection to keep the
device on.
The four adjustments settings are as follows:
Detection range:
2m to 8m radius
Time setting range:
10 sec to 30 min
Lux (light) sensitivity:
10 to 2 000 LUX
Manual Override
For manual control, the ES807 motion sensor features a convenient push button
If the lights are OFF, pressing the button will turn the lights ON for as long as the
room is occupied. The lights will turn OFF once the room is vacant, after the
delayed OFF time expires.
If the lights are ON, pressing the button will turn the lights OFF and keep them OFF
even if the room is occupied. This feature is particular useful when the automatic
motion sensor settings need to be overridden. The lights can be turned back ON
by simply pressing the button. The sensor will return to normal operation.