• The ECO-FLEX® Product Line, Designed and Engineered by Eclipse Surface Technologies LLC •
Refilling the ECO-100
After deactivating pneumatic control handle, keep nozzle firmly in hands and
pointed away from any person until abrasive flow has completely stopped.
The ECO-100 is designed to be easy to use and fast to refill. If current pressure
and abrasive flow have already be set, then these (6) steps are all that is needed
for the refill process. There is no need to turn pressure down or close abrasive
metering knob to refill.
Deactivate pneumatic control handle.
Wait 3-5 seconds for system to fully depressurize (always verify pressure gauge
needle is at zero).
Unthread fill cap.
Insert funnel/screen.
Add abrasive to vessel.
Rethread fill cap.
Restart cleaning/blasting.
Using the Wash down Feature
Wash down feature is used when any abrasive or debris needs to be rinsed off a surface after the
cleaning/blasting process has been complete. This feature can also be used for a high pressure (100-
125PSI) rust inhibitor wash down.
Fully close abrasive metering knob.
Fully open water flow ball valve.
Set wash down pressure by turning tank/blast pressure ball valve.
Activate pneumatic control handle to begin water flow.
Point nozzle in a safe direction while waiting for all left-over abrasive to exit blast hose.
Start the wash down process.
Never use wash down feature to wash down any part of a person’s body.
Even with abrasive ball valve fully close, small amounts of abrasive can still be travelling
through blast hose and exiting nozzle tip.