Compatibility Mode:
Select to enable enhanced USB keyboard and mouse
Serial over IP
Type 2:
allows you to extend a Full-Duplex RS232 communication from
the transmitter to the receiver, when the RS232 selector for the devices
is set to Normal. Other options are reserved. Once the type 2 option is
selected, it will be possible to set typical serial communication
parameters such as speed of transmission, data bits, parity and stop bits
Type 2 guest mode:
allows the VEO-XTI2L and VEOXRI2L to act as
translators of TCP/IP and RS-232 communication. To do so, you will need
to create a TCP/IP connection using the device's IP address and port 6752.
Once this has been created, commands sent via TCP/IP will be sent
transparently, through the serial port of the VEO device